Breast cancer, a daunting diagnosis that many women face, requires professional expertise, compassionate care, and state-of-the-art treatment strategies. If you're seeking a renowned breast cancer specialist in the Sohna Road vicinity, you're in the right place. In this document, we will introduce you to a reputed medical professional in this area, renowned for their dedication to patient care and commitment to battling breast cancer. Leveraging the latest medical advancements and personalized treatment plans, this doctor ensures every patient receives the best possible care on their journey to recovery.

What qualities define the best breast cancer doctor in Sohna Road?

The best breast cancer doctors in Sohna Road are marked by a combination of advanced medical knowledge, empathetic patient care, and a persistent pursuit of excellence. They stay updated with the latest breast cancer research, case studies, and treatment methodologies to devise effective treatment plans.

The doctor's compassionate approach aids in fostering a supportive and comforting environment for patients, aiding in their mental and emotional well-being. Furthermore, they exhibit a strong commitment to individualized care, understanding that every patient's situation is unique.

The doctor values open communication, ensuring that patients are fully informed and involved in their treatment process. In terms of professional standing, the best doctor holds reputable credentials and is respected by peers in the medical community.

Different Types of Breast Cancer Doctors in Sohna Road

In Sohna Road, you'll find different types of breast cancer doctors like Dr. Deepak Jha, each specializing in a specific area of breast cancer treatment:

  1. Surgical Oncologists: These doctors specialize in performing surgeries associated with breast cancer, like lumpectomies or mastectomies
  2. Medical Oncologists: These professionals manage the overall medical care of a breast cancer patient and coordinate treatment provided by other specialists.
  3. Radiation Oncologists: These are specialists who use radiation therapy to target and eliminate cancer cells.
  4. Reconstructive Surgeons: After breast surgery, some patients opt for breast reconstruction. Reconstructive surgeons handle these procedures.
  5. Pathologists: They examine tissue samples from biopsies to determine the type and stage of the cancer.
  6. Radiologists: These professionals utilize imaging techniques to identify and track the progress of the disease.

What are the common procedures performed by a breast cancer surgeon?

Some of the common procedures performed by a breast cancer surgeon include:

  1. Lumpectomy: A surgical procedure where only the tumor and a small surrounding area are removed, preserving most of the breast tissue.
  2. Mastectomy: The removal of all or part of the breast affected by cancer.
  3. Lymph node biopsy: This is done to determine if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.
  4. Sentinel lymph node biopsy: This involves removing only a few lymph nodes to test for cancer spread instead of removing all the lymph nodes in the armpit area.
  5. Axillary lymph node dissection: If the sentinel nodes contain cancer cells, this surgery removes more lymph nodes from the underarm area.
  6. Breast reconstruction: After mastectomy, reconstructive surgery may be performed to restore the appearance of breasts.

How can I prepare for breast cancer surgery with the chosen surgeon?

Preparing for breast cancer surgery is an integral part of the treatment journey. Here's a simple guide to ensure you're adequately prepared:

  1. Understand Your Surgery: Talk to your surgeon about the procedure you will undergo. Ask questions about what to expect during and after the surgery. It will help you alleviate uncertainties and manage your expectations.
  2. Pre-Surgery Checkups: Your doctor might need you to undergo certain pre-surgery tests or screenings. Make sure to complete these in due time.
  3. Discuss Medications: If you're on any other medications, it's crucial to disclose this to your doctor. They might advise you to stop certain medications before the surgery.
  4. Mental Preparation: Surgery can be emotionally challenging. Consider seeking mental health support if needed. Practice stress-relief techniques like meditation and deep breathing to keep anxiety at bay.
  5. Physical Preparation: Maintain a healthy diet and try to incorporate light exercises in your routine. It will help your body recover better post-surgery.
  6. Arrange for Assistance: Post-surgery, you'll need someone to drive you home and assist you with daily chores for a few days. Make these arrangements beforehand.

What factors should I consider when choosing a breast cancer doctor in Sohna Road?

When choosing a breast cancer doctor in Sohna Road, several factors come into play:

  1. Experience and Expertise: The doctor's experience directly impacts the accuracy of diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment.
  2. Credentials: Check the doctor's qualifications, certifications, and the reputation of the medical institution they graduated from. These will attest to their professional competence.
  3. Communication Style: Choose a doctor you are comfortable talking to and who supports your information needs.
  4. Patient Reviews: Reading what other people have to say about the doctor can provide insight into how the doctor practices medicine, as well as how their medical practice is operated. Patient reviews of Dr. Deepak Jha, for example, can be found on his online profiles or through a simple internet search.
  5. Hospital Quality: The standard of care provided at a hospital where a physician practices significantly influences the patient's treatment outcomes. It underlines the importance of hospital quality, as patients treated at highly-ranked facilities experience fewer complications and exhibit higher survival rates.

How does Dr. Deepak Jha, a breast cancer doctor, diagnose cancer?

Dr. Deepak Jha, a renowned breast cancer doctor, employs a comprehensive approach to diagnose breast cancer. The process starts with a detailed interview regarding the patient's medical history and any symptoms they may be experiencing. It is followed by a physical examination of the breasts, looking for any abnormalities or changes. If the signs suggest the possibility of breast cancer, they may order further diagnostic tests, including:

  1. Mammogram: This is an X-ray of the breast used to identify any suspicious areas that could indicate cancer.
  2. Breast Ultrasound: An ultrasound employs acoustic waves to generate visual representations of the breast tissue. This method can assist in distinguishing between a solid lump and a fluid-filled cyst.
  3. Biopsy: The most definitive way to diagnose breast cancer, a biopsy involves removing a small sample of breast tissue for laboratory testing. Dr. Jha might use one of several methods, such as fine-needle aspiration, core needle, or surgical biopsy.
  4. Breast MRI: In certain cases, an MRI can provide additional information to the other tests and can help measure the size of the cancer.

Based on these results, Dr. Deepak Jha can confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of breast cancer, which helps in formulating an effective treatment plan.